Getting up in the morning can be difficult, but these simple tips will help you get your day off to a great start!

    1. Make your bed. – Even if your life is a little messy, making your bed can help make everything else feel a bit more tidy. Starting off the day like this will help you maintain a neat and organized mindset as you complete your daily tasks!
    2. Mediate or do yoga. – Starting your day with a positively charged mind will help to keep you on task and smiling all day long. 
    3. Eat breakfast. – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day! Eating a balanced breakfast will help increase your metabolism and keep you energetic and productive. 
    4. Switch out your coffee with lemon water. – Coffee might give you that early morning boost, but lemon water is a more substitute. It gives you a boost of vitamin C and doesn’t leave you to crash later in the day.
    5. Read the news. – This is a good way to keep you informed while you eat your healthy breakfast. Reading wakes up your brain and sharpens your mind so you’re ready to take on whatever the day has in store!
    6. Visit The Studio @ Beacon for a morning class – Rise and shine with a quality workout. Exercise kickstarts your mind and body, and gets you ready to take on the day. Endorphins are the brains “feel good” chemicals that help reduce stress and keep your brain sharp! Don’t forget to grab a healthy and delicious smoothie afterwards. Book your bike or bag here.


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